"They might not remember your name, but they'll remember your cover"

I would love to chat with you about designing your -one of a kind cover- With most cover designers out there charging anywhere from $400-$1000 for the "basic package" it can get quite expensive to produce a popping cover.
With prices from $100.00 for ebook and $200.00-$300.00 for the full layout, it is very affordable to join the ranks of the authors that have the large publishing houses creating their cover. Email me with your information and you are only steps away from publishing your amazing work of art.
It's a known fact that large publishing houses commission the book cover design before the manuscript is complete, as the cover is needed for marketing purposes. You may not be publishing with a big traditional publisher, in fact, you may be self publishing, but you can still take a tip from the big guys and get your marketing items started before you have finished writing your manuscript.
Your family and friends will be thrilled to see how far you have come with your book and will be anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
When potential readers see what your cover image will look like, they can't wait to see the finished product...tease them with a small sample!
And don't forget...you can put the image on your website, facebook, or any other networking site you belong to...letting everyone know that it's getting closer to delivery time.
Visualization is the key to success, and don't let anyone tell you "you don't judge a book by it's cover" It most certainly is....the proof is in the sales. What good is a book cover if it doesn't capture the audience's attention?


Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns debi040466@aol.com
or find me on Facebook!

With over 2 million books published every single year, it makes it a bit of a challenge to be sure your book stands out in the crowd. Readers have an abundance of books to choose from these days, and the ease of self-publishing means that the field is becoming even more crowded.
Given the fact that you’ve spent months or years writing your masterpiece, you want people to read it. However, you only have a few seconds to grab a potential reader’s attention, and an eye-catching book cover can achieve just that.
If you are unsure of what design or style to go for, or what would suit your masterpiece best, no worries, that is what I do!
A well-designed book cover is a great way to find the right audience for your book.
If you get the book cover design right, your readers will know just what to expect. You can use your cover to send out all sorts of signals about the style and tone of your book...
romance, sci-fi, drama, western or children, etc.
Please note: I am not an artist, nor do I claim to be. My work is not done free hand. I use several photo programs to manipulate and design a look for your cover that will be eye catching and original. I purchase the photos from art Cd's and royalty free sites on the internet as do most other book cover designers and authors. These sites are used by thousands of other people and sometimes the photos that are chosen could be a duplicate and used on another cover. I try very hard to not let this happen by incorporating more then one photo or art picture on your cover in order to make it as original as possible. If there is an issue, please bring it to my attention and I will take care of it as soon as possible. In today's cyberworld even photos and art images that are copyright protected can show up on any of the hundreds of image galleries and unless noted otherwise, these pictures are of public domain to the best of my knowledge.
Debi DeSantis